Selecting a Contractor: Does the Contractor have a permanent place of business?

What is the Full Name & Address of the Company?

All Contractor Selection Guidelines start with this question because most dissatisfaction involves low-bid undercapitalized contractors.

Be very cautious of any contractor without a permanent place of business. If the contractor is not permanently established, how can you be confident he will complete the work? How can you be confident he will be in business if the work needs service in the future? What do you do if the project fails and you are financially harmed or the contractor is not financially responsible?

The courts are full of dissatisfied Owners with worthless judgments against insolvent contractors.

While there is no way to guarantee any business is financially stable, there are some tell-tale signs, and you can take to protect yourself, and assure your satisfaction.

Visit the contractor’s place of business.  Does it look like it has been established there for a long time? Does it appear that the equipment, manpower, and wherewithal is available to complete your project in a professional and timely manner?

Don’t be swayed by a personable contractor or his attractive low price. It is not worth the risk. Select only a contractor that is financially committed to the business. Select someone you can call if a problem arises in the future.

A professional contractor will have no problem giving you a tour of the facilities and provide whatever financial proof is required for your peace of mind. Don’t be timid about asking. The professional respects these questions and knows that time is being well spent with an intelligent buyer.